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如何在godaddy主机上进行权限设置 (godaddy主机怎么设置权限)

AB资源网 2023-09-19 08:51 4765 浏览 0 评论

如何在godaddy主机上进行权限设置 (godaddy主机怎么设置权限)

How to Set Permissions on GoDaddy Hosting

One of the most important aspects of managing a website hosted on GoDaddy is setting appropriate permissions for different users. Permissions can be assigned to users accessing files and directories on the server to ensure that everyone has the necessary level of access for their tasks. In this article, we will discuss how to set permissions on GoDaddy hosting to ensure security and accessibility for your website.

Understanding Permissions

Before we dive into the process of setting permissions, let’s first understand what it means. Permissions are the access controls that determine what users can or cannot do on a file or directory. These controls are generally categorized into three categories, namely read, write, and execute:

– Read: Permission to read a file, but not modify or delete it.

– Write: Permission to modify or delete a file.

– Execute: Permission to run a script or execute commands on a file.

To set permissions on GoDaddy hosting, you need to have access to the web-based file manager. This can be accessed from your GoDaddy account dashboard.

Step by Step Guide to Set Permissions on GoDaddy Hosting

Step #1: Login to GoDaddy Account

The first step is to login to your GoDaddy account from the official website. Once you have logged in, you can access your hosting plan and see the control panel for your website.

Step #2: Access the Web-based File Manager

Inside your control panel, click on the File Manager icon to access the web-based file manager. This tool lets you manage files and folders on your server in a similar way to a file browser on your computer.

Step #3: Choose a File or Directory to Change Permissions

Now choose the file or directory for which you want to change permissions. You can either select an individual file or an entire directory.

Step #4: Right-Click to Open the Context Menu

Once you have selected the file or directory, you need to right-click on it to open the context menu. You will see a list of options that can be selected, including ‘Change Permissions’ option.

Step #5: Choose the Desired Permissions for the Chosen File or Directory

Once you select the ‘Change Permissions’ option from the context menu, a new window will open, displaying the current permissions for the file or directory. You can now choose the desired permission for that file or directory from the drop-down menus displayed.

Make sure to select the permission level carefully. For instance, if you are setting permission for a file that holds sensitive data, set the permission to ‘read-only’ to prevent unauthorized modification of the data.

Step #6: Save the New Permission Settings

After you have chosen the desired permissions for the file or directory, click the ‘Save’ button to update the settings. You may get a warning message if the permission settings conflict with the global permission settings on the server.


Setting permissions for files and directories is essential when managing a website, particularly when hosting it on GoDaddy. By following the steps outlined above, you will be able to quickly and easily set the appropriate permissions to ensure the right level of accessibility and security on your website. Give it a try and see for yourself!


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