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How to Access Your FTP Address on Cloud Server 如何访问您的云服务器FTP地址 (云服务器ftp地址)

AB资源网 2023-09-19 23:19 8917 浏览 0 评论

How to Access Your FTP Address on Cloud Server 如何访问您的云服务器FTP地址 (云服务器ftp地址)

How to Access Your FTP Address on Cloud Server

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the internet. FTP is widely used by businesses and individuals for transferring files to and from remote servers. Accessing your FTP address on a cloud server is an essential step in uploading, downloading, and managing files on your server. However, many people are not clear on how to access their FTP address on a cloud server. In this article, we will discuss how you can access your FTP address on a cloud server.

Step 1: Log in to Your Cloud Server Hosting Account

To access your FTP address on a cloud server, the first thing you need to do is log in to your cloud server hosting account. Go to the hosting company’s website and enter your login credentials (username and password) to access your control panel.

Step 2: Locate Your FTP Login Detls

Once you are logged in to your cloud server hosting account, you need to locate your FTP login detls. In most hosting accounts, you can find your FTP login detls in the “FTP Accounts” section of your control panel. If you cannot find it, contact your hosting provider for assistance.

Step 3: Configure FTP Client Software

The next step is to configure your FTP client software to access your FTP address. There are many FTP client software options avlable, such as Filezilla, Cyberduck, and WinSCP. Choose the FTP client software that is compatible with your operating system.

After installing the FTP client software, open it and click on “File” from the menu bar. From the drop-down menu, select “Site Manager.” In the “Site Manager” window, select “New Site” and enter your FTP login detls in the appropriate fields. You will need to enter your FTP address, username, and password.

Additionally, you may need to select the FTP protocol type (FTP, FTPS, or SFTP) and the port number, depending on your hosting provider’s settings. Once you have entered all the required detls, click on “Connect” to establish a connection to your FTP address on the cloud server.

Step 4: Upload, Download, and Manage Files

Once you have accessed your FTP address on the cloud server successfully, you can start uploading, downloading, and managing files on your server. To upload files to your server, simply drag and drop them from your computer to your chosen folder on the server.

To download files from the server, select the file you want to download and click on “Download” or “Save As.” You can also create and delete folders, rename files, and change file permissions using your FTP client software.


Accessing your FTP address on a cloud server is essential for transferring files to and from your server. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily access your FTP address, configure your FTP client software, and manage your files on the cloud server. Remember to keep your login detls confidential and store them in a secure location to prevent unauthorized access to your server.


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